Monday 7 November 2011

My Inspiration and Motivation

Weigh in for week 1 of my 6 week Challenge saw an 800g loss.  I'm pretty happy with that but was hoping for a 1kg loss to stay on target of losing 6kg in 6 weeks.  I know I can still clean up my food a little bit more though.  Making a "practise" chocolate cake for my daughters 3rd birthday didn't help matters. 
I had a great training week which involved 6hrs and 15mins of training time, which was on track with my 60minute sessions, 6 days a week.  This week however I am really struggling with lack of sleep, and it's only Tuesday already lol.  My little man is having feeding and sleep issues since we moved him into his own room in the big cot.  So I know it is going to take a tonne of willpower and motivation to ensure I still train, even though I'm walking around like a zombie at the moment.  And the other hurdle I have is when I'm tired all I want to eat is sugar, sugar, sugar!!!  But hopefully things will be better tonight, cause I've moved Brandon's cot to the shed - haha just joking (another week of nights like the last week though and he may just end up in the shed lol).
My training schedule for this week is:
Monday - 6am BodyPump and 4:30pm BodyCombat
Tuesday - 30mins Interval running and 30mins Upper body
Wednesday - 30mins Incline walking and 30mins Legs/Abs
Thursday - 30mins Aerobics DVD and 5 rounds of 30 pushups, 30 lunges, 30 crunches, 30 bench dips, 30 squats and 30sec hover
Friday - BodyPump (teaching)
Saturday - 1hr walk the dog
Sunday - The always glorious REST DAY :)

Meal planning this week is good and bad - it's good because it's a week of very little cooking (love leftovers week) but bad because we are eating out twice this week for dinner with my in-laws.  The dangers of eating out are extra fats, sugars and salts added to the food and in food preparation to make things taste more appealing, and watching portion control. 
Monday - Dining out (I did have the salmon and salad, and a few chips shhh)
Tuesday - Chicken Curry leftovers
Wednesday - Zucchini Slice (leftovers) and salad
Thursday - Dining out
Friday - Coconut Chicken Curry (leftovers)
Saturday - Lasagne (leftovers) and salad
Sunday - Fish and salad

I also just wanted to share a couple of my little secrets to keep me on track, especially important when I know I'm going to have a tough week like this week. 
The first motivation tool I have is my "goal outfit".  When I was pregnant I purchased a Lululemon skort that I had no chance of pulling up over my thighs, they now fit (just) but I'm still not at the stage where I would wear them in public.  So I've hung them up so every morning as soon as I walk out of my bedroom they are the first thing I see.  It's a bit like 'The Biggest Loser'.  They always have their goal outfit and it can be a great inspiration to keep you on track for your goal and also a great tool to measure that you've achieved your goal.

My "goal" skirt

The other is my inspiration board.  This is something that anyone can set up to visualise their dream/goal and again maintain the motivation to keep working towards it.  It doesn't just have to be a weight loss/fitness goal, you can do these for holidays, houses, jobs, the list is endless.  Mine is obviously set up for my weight loss and fitness goals at the moment.  These boards can be fairly personal so mine is hidden in my bedroom so visitors don't see it and I will just give you a sneak peek at it:

My Inspiration board

Mine is basically set up with some inspirational pics of strong, toned women, my goal weight and the date I would like to achieve this by, some of my fav inspirational training quotes and also some photos of me at my pre-pregnancy weight. 
I highly recommend using at least one of the above as a motivational tool to help you achieve your goals.

Well that's my week wrap up.  If you can all think sleepy thoughts for me (and my baby lol) I would really appreciate it :)

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