Tuesday 18 October 2011

Holiday hints....

Weigh in on Sunday showed no change - no loss, but no gain.  I will admit I have been off the wagon the last couple of weeks and any reasons I have for it are just excuses.  Sick daughter, new puppy, social engagements are all just things that happen in life (ok my husband is kinda wishing the new puppy didn't happen in our life haha) and I can give them all as reasons as to why my eating has been a bit off the rails and why I missed a few extra training sessions last week but I know it's all bulls$%t and I take full accountability for it and it shows on the scales.  However on the plus I am excited that I am starting to fit into some more pre-pregnancy clothes *happy dance*.
So this week my husband arranged for a week off work and I had been researching accommodation on the Sunny Coast for about 2 months and then I bought a puppy.  So no holiday money and a new addition to the family means we are now staying home for the week :(  BUT I'm still trying to treat it as family time and if this weather clears up we are going to play holidays at home by visiting some local tourist attractions.  So the biggest effect that will have this week is I'm not hitting the gym.  My aim is to train a few times this week early in the morning before everyone wakes, or I will try fit in some high intensity, short workouts at home during the day.  I'm also not going to be super strict with food as I will enjoy this week (all within moderation of course, holidays aren't a reason to eat every possible unhealthy thing in site) and will be back on schedule next week.
So since I'm pretending I'm on "Vay-cay" I thought I would share some holiday hints with you all.  Just remember that just because you're on holidays it doesn't mean you should drop all your training plans and healthy eating habits.  You can enjoy your holiday while still staying active and eating well.

1.  If you are travelling pack healthy snacks.  We have done many a drive to Brissy/Sunny Coast spending 7 or 8 hours in the car and I know how hard it can be to find healthy options at the local servos.  Instead of packing lollies, chocolates, soft drinks for the car trip pack a little esky or cooler bag with water bottles, fruit, nuts and cereal bars (just check sugar content in cereal bars as same can be as bad as lollies/chocolates).
2.  Pack your joggers.  Get out and explore by foot your holiday surroundings.  If for safety reasons you don't feel comfortable venturing out do a workout in your apartment/motel room.  Squats, pushups, crunches, planks/hovers, burpees, jogging on the spot are all things that require no equipment and no gear. 
3.  During my years as a trainer I have heard numerous times ladies say to me after their return from holidays that they did no exercise but they shopped lots.  Yes shopping is great incidental exercise BUT my biggest worry when you think like that is because you think you have walked around the shops all day you can now eat even more crap at dinner.  Reality is you've probably "strolled" around the shops more so than walked and if you are fairly active and mobile in your normal day to day life chances are that you've probably burnt about the same amount of energy anyway.  So justifying your holiday dinner of entree, fat laden (there's a reason they taste sooo good) main meal and of course the obligatory holiday cocktail or champers by saying "it's ok cause I shopped all day" is crap. 
4.  When eating out at night always only order 2 components of dinner ie entree and main, or main and dessert.  Or better still just order main and share an entree or dessert.  And look for options to order your main in an entree size.  And for every drink you have follow it with a water.
5.  And lastly if you have been training hard and eating relatively well prior to your mini break, don't be too hard on yourself for enjoying your holiday.  It's ok to miss a few days of training every now and then.  And it's ok to eat your side of fries when you don't do it all the time.  But don't go overboard!! The last thing you want is for all those weeks of hard work to be wasted in one short week.  Remember moderations is key.
Well since I'm in un-holiday mode I just have to post one more holiday pic to get me in the mood.  I'm signing off for the week to go sit in my spa, overlooking the sunset with a midori in my hand (well really I'm going to bath my children and wash the dishes - what a glamorous life us mum's lead).  See you all when I get home ;)

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